Monday, March 10, 2014

Happy Samal Happy Samal Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Happy Samal

Happy Samal
Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Happy Samal

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How To Relationship Make Stronger


I am Smruti Ranjan Samal (HAPPY). I Just want tell u something about relationship, relationship is the main thing of our life. Because A Man Can't live without Relation, no value of life without relationship.

Some Tips About How to Strong Your Relationship:-


Having a tight or strong relationship makes up for about 70% of your personal happiness. When you feel connected to other people then you're four times more likely to feel good about yourself. The closer you are to friends and family the happier and healthier you'll be. Needless to say, everyone is always looking for ways to build a stronger bond with their loved one. Just about everyone is in a relationship of some kind. Sometimes this comes with relationship issues or relationship problems. Here are some ways to make the relationship stronger.

* Personal relationships that give you the support and encouragement to achieve your burning desire
* Working relationships that allow you to get maximum benefit out of the Master Mind group principle
* Business relationships that enable you to succeed without sacrificing your ethics and morals

Before you start building a relationship with a potential friend, colleague or lover, you need to build one with yourself. Many people spend little or no time getting to know themselves and what makes them 'tick'. But if you don't know yourself how can you know the sort of people you will get on with? Finding out about yourself -- practicing introspection -- can be uncomfortable, which is why so many of us prefer not to delve too deeply into this area. You may find things you don't like. Chances are that if you don't like some aspects of your personality, attitudes or habits, neither will others.

The most successful relationships are between people who have common interests, values or beliefs. It would make life easier if we came with a list of these attached for anyone to read, like the ingredients on a packet of soup. Then it would just be a question of finding someone with the same set of ingredients, knowing this would lead to compatibility. The way we identify potential compatibility is by asking questions. Asking questions has two purposes. The obvious one is as a method of gathering information. Questioning is also a way of showing interest, of making the other person feel valued. And this usually produces a positive response.


For someone who lacks self esteem asking or answering questions can feel very intimidating at first. These aren't difficult questions though -- they're about you so you do know the answers. And if you're asking the questions it's not difficult either. 'Tell me more about...' is often all that's needed. Looking at the other person, nodding and smiling occasionally also help to show them that you value what they are saying. A few open questions can easily be the start of a lasting relationship.

It is never wise to try to be something you're not, especially when you want to build strong relationships. Start off with untruths and you'll spend all your time trying to remember what you said and living up to your fabrications. Unless you're extremely lucky you will get found out, and your deception could destroy what might have been a great friendship. If there are aspects of yourself you don't like, work to change them so you can form relationships based on honesty.

Strong relationships can weather good times and bad. It's okay to have disagreements with friends, colleagues or lovers; in fact it's unlikely you'll agree on things all the time. Don't let disagreements get out of hand though, or the relationship could suffer. Don't 'take your ball home' -- that's what children do. Take responsibility for the relationship as an adult and discuss the problems so you can overcome them. If it doesn't seem likely that you can resolve the situation you can agree to differ. But you must then ensure that you don't keep bringing the subject up or you'll drive a wedge between you.

Secure and successful relationships can be formed by anyone who is willing to work at them.